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School of Health - A. ARS

174 Grande-Rue , 01220 Divonne-les-Bains

Jérôme LEFRANCOIS is a medical doctor and Véronique DESCHAMPS is a trainer and psychotherapist (certified in neuro-linguistic programming, Ericksonian hypnosis, process communication and cognitive behavioral therapy).

Ecole de la Santé
Ecole de la Santé

Good health is necessary in all three components of human functioning: the physical (the body), the mental (the head: thoughts and emotions), and the social (good relations with others). Jérôme LEFRANCOIS and Véronique DESCHAMPS are developing the Ecole de la Santé in Divonne, so that everyone can become a responsible player in their own health and quality of life.
Activities: health coaching, training, seminars, conferences, workshops, individual psychotherapeutic support. Conferences and workshops are announced month by month in the magazine Sortir à Divonne and in the diary.
Topics include: Understanding emotions - Developing self-confidence - Building harmonious relationships - Stress management - Non-violent communication - Self-esteem - Self-affirmation - Managing emotions - Healthy eating - Sleep and stress - The vicious circle of anxiety - Depressive disorders and CBT: a new approach - And certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming training.

"Les erreurs qui vous empêchent de dormir" (Errors that prevent you from sleeping), published by Editions Alpen and written by Dr Jérôme Lefrançois and Véronique Deschamps, both members of the SFRMS (Société Française de Recherche et de Médecine du Sommeil), is on sale at the Divonne Tourist Office.
This book is a practical answer to the most common questions we ask ourselves in everyday life. The authors offer concrete suggestions to help readers better organize their lives (during the day) and their sleep (at night), for a better quality of life. They have drawn on their professional experience in the field (general practitioner and psychologist) to understand the constraints of everyday life and offer readers practical solutions.